Styles Schools & Movements - The Essential Encyclopaedic Guide to Modern Art
The internationally bestselling guide to modern and contemporary art
Modern art has come to be defined by its styles, schools and movements. The more than three hundred collected here provide an indispensable introduction to the major developments in Western painting, sculpture, architecture and design during one of the most dynamic and exciting periods in art history.
Over one hundred main entries are presented in broadly chronological order, from Impressionism and Cubism to Sound Art, Internet Art and Art Photography in the twenty-first century. A further two hundred supplementary entries provide fully cross-referenced summaries of essential styles and movements, tracing intriguing patterns of influence and development.
A foldout timeline shows at a glance how the evolution of art corresponds with historical events, providing a thorough overview of the whole period.
Listings of major international collections and carefully selected suggestions for further reading are given for all the main entries, and the comprehensive index features over one thousand artists, architects, designers, impresarios, critics, collectors and champions of modern art, linking the styles, schools and movements with the people who made them happen.
A provocative guide to many overlooked corners of modern art
- Christopher Hirst, The Independent (UK)
This book provides an excellent overview, probably the best yet, of modern art styles, schools and movements...I can highly recommend this book for collectors large and small, for its range of coverage, authoritative and well written text and high quality illustrations.
- Bronwen Brown, Library Review (UK)
An encyclopaedic summary of twentieth-century art, this book…is a solid guide for those who like to see art conveniently grouped and need a quick reference to key names and dates.
- RA Magazine (UK)
‘Styles, Schools and Movements' is a ‘must’ for the architect’s library…. 'Styles, Schools and Movements' is an invaluable reference book.
- Sandra O’Connell, Irish Architect (Ireland)
Dempsey has compiled an essential encyclopaedia chronologically and comprehensively exploring style changes in art from 1860 to the present day.
- Antiques Magazine (USA)
An extremely handsome volume: Dempsey’s text is at once accessible and illuminating.
- The Scotsman (UK)
Dempsey, who has extensive museum experience and a Ph.D. in art history from the Courtland Institute in London, deserves praise for sorting out more than 300 movements, stylistic spin-offs, and convoluted political and interdisciplinary influences in this excellent work. The highly compact yet astute entries are freely cross-referenced, and a good fold-out timeline allows for quick visual understanding features that help to clarify the web of relationships among burgeoning theories and practicing artists. In addition, each entry cites important collections and key sources for further study...All major and minor movements are mentioned in this very comprehensive guide, which could easily become a standard for modern art survey courses, making it a sensible purchase for most libraries.
- Susan Lense, Library Journal (USA)
A fascinating book covering 300 art, architecture and design movements from 1860 to the present. I love great reference books and this is the year’s best...A great introduction to a complex energetic world.
- The Spark (UK)
Know your Art Deco from your Art Nouveau, get to grips with realism and make space for minimalism in your home with this beautifully illustrated and informative book on art, architecture and design...Wannabe designers and lovers of art, this book is a must buy!
- House and Home (USA)
If you’ve ever got lost in the multitude of art styles, schools, and movements of the 20th century, read this book which demystifies them all. .. It’s a fascinating book to dip into.
- Marion Boddy-Evans, (UK)
Revised and expanded edition
ISBN: 9780500288443
Styles, Schools & Movements:
The Essential Encylopaedic Guide to Modern Art
Publisher: Thames & Hudson; New and expanded edition (2010) UK
Publisher: Thames & Hudson USA, Second edition (2011) USA
Language: English
The first edition of Styles, Schools & Movements (2002) was published in Argentina (La Isla), Brazil (Cosac & Naify), Chile (Editorial Contrapunto), Czech Republic (Slovart), Denmark (Aschehoug Dansk Forlang and Kunstbogklubben), Finland (Otava), Germany (Seemann-Henschel), Hungary (Képzőművészeti Kiadó), Lithuania (Presvika), Netherlands (Waanders), Russia (Iskusstvo - XXI vet), Spain (Blume), Turkey (Akbank Sanat), UK (Thames & Hudson) and USA (Abrams).
The second edition (2010) was published in Brazil (Cosac & Naify), China (China Architecture and Building Press), Netherlands (Waanders), Russia (Iskusstvo - XXI vet), UK (Thames & Hudson) and USA (Thames & Hudson USA).